Monday, November 15, 2010

Jingle Bell Walk was a HUGE success!

Hello Everyone!

I am SO PLEASED to say that the Jingle Bell Walk turned out to be a HUGE success! They had over 2,000 participants which is more than any other year! They also raised more than $100,000 towards arthritis research! Isn't that amazing?! We had close to 50 team members on our team "Walking for Wesley" and even won some awards! We were given trophies for "Largest Fundraising Team" as well as "Most family and friends team" and we also got "Most original costumes" which was great! Wesley, of course, walked away with his special "honoree" prizes, which made his whole day! I have to say that I have never in my life been part of something so wonderful! The Arthritis Foundation is making a huge impact in our life and changing others lives as well. I have a special spot in my heart for everyone who showed up to help us honor our son and his struggle with this disease. To see Wesley go from having low self confidence and feeling so sad and alone, to looking forward to go to school and start his day to see the people at school who love him and care about him and he knows now, that he is not alone. You can't put into words how that feels as his parent! Our team was made up of the most selfless, caring and sweetest people that you could ever meet! We are SO PROUD to call them all our friends!

Our busy week is over, until next year when we do the Jingle Bell Walk again! Maybe we can get even more in donations and have a larger team next year? I think we can! Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who braved the crowd and the cold weather to help raise awareness on Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I will continue to be a part of the Arthritis Foundation and will do what I can to help "Change the outcome" for everyone who is affected with Arthritis.

Here are some links of this week! Wesley and I were on WEEK, News 25... WJBC Radio and also in The Pantagraph! It was a great experience! I will post pictures as I receive them!

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” RAPLH WALDO EMERSON

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